Walteria Tucker-Rolle

Academic Senate Vice-Chair and Director of the American Corner-Nassau

University of The Bahamas
Walteria Tucker-Rolle

Walteria Tucker-Rolle is Academic Senate chair and director of the American Corner-Nassau at the University of The Bahamas. She taught Spanish and French language and culture in the State University System of Florida before becoming an assistant professor of Spanish at the College of The Bahamas in 2013. She has served in a number of posts including coordinator of the B.A. in Spanish program, chair of Communication and Creative Arts, and co-chair of the Academic Policies Committee. Her doctoral research focuses on the representation of Haitians in 20th-century Hispanic Caribbean literature, and she has presented on race, sexuality, religion, and national identity at academic conferences in the region. Tucker-Rolle holds a B.A. in international studies, an M.A. in comparative literature, and a Ph.D. in comparative studies: languages, literacies and linguistics from Florida Atlantic University and a certificate from the Harvard School of Education’s Management Development Program.