Practicing Democracy: Voter Education and Engagement on Campus
Join AASCU’s American Democracy Project in helping our campuses prepare students and communities to participate in the 2024 local, state, and national elections.

Building a foundation.
Plan for voter engagement and support information literacy and free speech on campus.
The momentous 2024 election season will bring many challenges to AASCU campuses, and this non-partisan project aims to encourage conversation, demonstrate best practices, and provide critical resources so that our campuses can build capacity and a campus culture that encourages engagement in building a strong democracy.
Register for any sessions that would enhance and assist your work.
- Voter Education Workshops
Feb. 16: Combating Mis- and Disinformation
Feb. 21: Loki’s Loop: Gamification of Information Literacy
Feb. 23: Free Speech on Campus - Voter Engagement Workshops
Feb. 12: Strategies for Building a Campus Voter Initiative
Feb. 20: Show Me the Money: Funding Voter Initiatives on Campus
Feb. 26: Using National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) Data to Assess Student Engagement in Democracy
Who should attend?
- Faculty
- Staff
- Administrators
- Librarians
How will you benefit?
- Develop support systems and gain access to resources for voter education and voter engagement
- Integrate and apply voter education into learning settings across multiple disciplines
- Review, validate, build, implement, and assess voter engagement plans for campuses
- Connect to colleagues to build a campus culture that fosters voter engagement
Voter Education Workshops
Voter education is defined as building knowledge, civic skills, and democratic values. Sessions include best practices to build knowledge, skills, and democratic values, informational overviews, resource spotlights, and trainings designed to incorporate civics into curriculum and co-curriculum. They are designed for faculty and staff who wish to incorporate information literacy, deliberative dialogues, and issue-based discussions into their campus during fall 2024.
Feb. 16, 2024 | 12-1 p.m. ET
Combating Mis- and Disinformation
Learn about resources like the SIFT methodology, the Mind Over Chatter module from Indiana University Kokomo, and others as models for teaching information literacy in your classes to help students navigate mis- and disinformation about the election and beyond.
Feb. 21, 2024 | 3-4:30 p.m.
Loki’s Loop: Gamification of Information Literacy
Engage in an online misinformation escape room with colleagues and, afterward, discuss how to integrate gamification of information literacy into your campus work. This will be an interactive game solving puzzles of manipulated media, social media bots, deepfakes, and other forms of deception to learn about misinformation.
Loki’s Loop was created through extensive research and co-design activities at the University of Washington Center for an Informed Public and the Game Research Group.
Feb. 23, 2024 | 12-1 p.m.
Free Speech on Campus
Join PEN America in a workshop to explore how to uphold free speech on campus and navigate tension between speech rights and inclusion.
Voter Engagement Workshops
Voter engagement encourages and supports peaceful and meaningful participation in elections within our communities. Sessions include strategies for building, implementing, and assessing campus voting plans and; understanding legislation about voting on campuses. They are designed for campus leaders who support student and community voting.
Feb. 12, 2024 | 3-4 p.m.
Strategies for Building a Campus Voter Initiative
This session will help you create a campus voter initiative that informs and engages students, including how to organize unique and sustainable campus get out the vote efforts. Also, learn how the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge and Students Learn Students Vote Coalition work to help campuses for the 2024 election (and beyond!).
- Learn more about the SLSV Coalition
- More about the SLSV checklist
- Ask Every Student (AES) program website
- AES First Step Form
- National Voter Education Week happening October 7-11, 2024
- Campus Takeover details
- Post Election Summit details
- ALL IN Action Planning Resource Hub
- Strengthen American Democracy Action Planning Guide and Rubric (V.4)
- ALL IN Resource Guide
- ALL IN Resource Hub
- ALL IN’s theory of change visual
Feb. 20, 2024 | 3-4 p.m.
Show Me the Money: Funding Voter Initiatives on Campus
In this session you will learn about resources for grants and gain ideas for building a sustainable budget for your voter initiatives.
Feb. 26, 2024 | 3-4 p.m.
Using National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) Data to Assess Student Engagement in Democracy
Learn about the NSLVE data, how your campus can be involved if it is not already, and how NSLVE data can support your campus’s voter engagement plan for the 2024 election (and beyond!).
Have questions about the Practicing Democracy Series? Let us know.
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