Lucille Sansing
Senior Consultant
The Registry

Lucille Sansing joined The Registry in 2010 just prior to her retirement as president of Argosy University (San Francisco Bay Area). Since that time, she has held three assignments with The Registry: interim provost and president/CEO of Trident University International (CA), interim provost at Westminster College (UT), and interim special consultant for professional studies at Gonzaga University (WA). Sansing holds a bachelor’s degree from Bates College (Maine), a master’s degree from the University of Virginia, and a Ph.D. from the George Washington University (DC), all in sociology. Her research interests include non-traditional and adult education, public policy, and women’s studies. Sansing’s long career in higher education has included teaching and administrative positions at Washington College (MD), the University of Redlands (CA), and Notre Dame de Namur University (CA). She has served on national boards, including the American Council on Education (ACE) Women’s Network and the Aspen Institute Wye Faculty Seminar. Most recently, she has joined the board of the American University of Phnom Penh in Cambodia. As a senior consultant, she serves as a Registry principal for interim placements.