Mary Aviles
Insights and Experience Lead
Constructive Dialogue Institute

A staunch advocate for people within the systems that impact them, Mary Aviles has dedicated the past two decades to asking questions and translating the answers for diverse audiences. At the Constructive Dialogue Institute (CDI), she leverages past experience and best practices in technology, market strategy, foresight, competitive analysis, and implementation to inform CDI’s point of view on product development and service delivery. As insights and experience lead, Aviles collaborates across functions to provide data-informed insights—stewarding better decisions, improving alignment, reducing risk, and driving change. A graduate of the University of Michigan, Aviles’ expertise spans a wide array of sectors, encompassing civic tech, data visualization, early childhood and higher education, health care, and economic development. Well acquainted with industry disruptions, she navigated the challenges of the dot-com bubble burst and the transition from fee-for-service to value-based health care models. Aviles’ research projects have amplified thousands of academic, community, consumer, professional, and patient voices, contributing meaningfully to the broader discourse.