Pamela G. Arrington
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Studies
Alabama A&M University

Dr. Pamela G. Arrington is associate vice president for academic affairs and programs and undergraduate studies at Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University. She has been employed as associate dean, Troy University, director of instruction, planning, and special projects, Alabama Commission on Higher Education, associate vice president and tenured professor at Coppin State University, senior staff specialist, the Maryland Higher Education Commission, tenured professor, Bowie State University (MD.), college counselor and administrative faculty, Northern Virginia Community College, and director, the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (D.C.). She received her B.A. in Psychology, Spelman College (GA.) Magna Cum Laude, M.A., Counseling, the University of Michigan, and Ph.D., Education and Psychology, George Mason University (VA). Dr. Arrington was inducted into Psi Chi, Pi Lambda Theta, and Phi Delta Kappa. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.