Civic Engagement Award Nominations

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Thank you for providing a nomination for a colleague.

Nominations (and all supporting materials) must be received by COB on April 30, 2025 to be considered for the 2025 ADP awards.

This form will collect the nominations for four awards. Please be sure that your colleague meets the criteria for the award you are targeting.

Please note that the We the People Award is not being offered in 2025.

"*" indicates required fields

For which award are you nominating a colleague?*

Nominee Information

Max. file size: 50 MB.


Would you prefer to submit your endorsement via text entry or as an attachment?
Please include your rationale for support of the nominee, especially noting how they advance the civic learning of undergraduate students, create equal opportunities for all in their civic and community engagement work, and connect to the spirit of the award. (Note: You will receive a separate link for others-including campus leadership-to submit additional endorsements.)

Additional Support

Please send the link below to others who wish to submit letters of support.

Additional Endorsement Form

You may have as many additional endorsements as you wish, but you must have one from campus leadership to adhere to these standards:

  • For the Barbara Burch Award, Spirit of Democracy Award, and John Saltmarsh Award, an endorsement must come from either the nominee’s provost/CAO or the nominee’s president/chancellor.
  • For the Plater Award, an endorsement must come from the nominee’s president/chancellor.
Endorsement Agreement*
An application is not considered complete until the endorsement from campus leadership has been received. Please click the box below to indicate that you will secure the required endorsement for your nomination. AASCU will notify you when endorsements are submitted.