Bucky Dodd
Assistant Vice President for Education Strategy and Innovation
University of Central Oklahoma

Bucky Dodd is the assistant vice president for education strategy and innovation at the University of Central Oklahoma. Dodd is an innovator, master teacher, and visionary of the future of education. He holds a Ph.D. in education from Oklahoma State University and graduate and undergraduate degrees in adult education and corporate communications and maintains an active research and development agenda in these areas. As a prolific writer, teacher, and speaker on the future of education, his research focuses on visual planning and collaboration systems, innovation, and the design of learning experiences. Dodd is the creator of Learning Environment Modeling®, an award-winning visual collaboration system for the design and evaluation of learning experiences, and has been recognized internationally for his research and design expertise. He has a proven record of leading innovation initiatives in corporate, government, and education organizations and is consistently sought out as a thought leader on the future of learning.