Glendalí Rodríguez
Provost and Vice Chancellor- Academic Affairs
University of Wisconsin-Stout

Glendalí (she/her/hers and pronounced Glenda-lee) Rodríguez is Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs for the University of Wisconsin-Stout (UW-Stout), Wisconsin’s Polytechnic University. Glendalí has led the Academic Affairs division through rapid changes, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, staffing transitions, organizational restructures, and budget reductions. She remains a strong advocate of both student and employee success. As a licensed architect, Glendalí taught UW-Stout courses in the area of Construction, Interior Design, and Technology Education, prior to becoming a full-time administrator. As an administrator she uses her skills as design-thinker, problem-solver, convener, and collaborator. She is actively working with senior leadership and shared governance on UW-Stout’s first Comprehensive Academic Plan. From 2014 through August of 2019, she served as UW-Stout’s associate provost, and worked closely to foster curriculum quality in coordination with shared governance groups, led space-related planning and fundraising efforts for learning environments, and coordinated professional development and training opportunities for program directors and department chairs. Glendali is a Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Peer Corps member and is trained as a Wisconsin Forward Examiner. She is Spanish bilingual and received a Master of Architecture degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Bachelor of Arts from Yale University.