Kenneth W. Dobbins
Senior Consultant
AASCU Consulting

Kenneth W. Dobbins’ 16-year tenure as president at Southeast Missouri State University (July 1999–June 2015) includes numerous successful initiatives, including capital projects totaling more than $500 million and increasing enrollment from 7,900 to 12,000. Prior to becoming president at Southeast Missouri State University, Dobbins served eight years at the university as executive vice president and CFO and served in several administrative roles at Kent State University. He also has served as both a military and civilian auditor and management consultant for the Air Force Audit Agency. Dobbins served for 10 years on the faculty of AASCU’s New Presidents Academy, primarily teaching areas of financial management, budgeting, enrollment management, campus master planning, facilities management, and athletics. Recently, he completed a three-year appointment as chancellor of the St. Louis campus of Ponce Health Sciences University, which offers graduate medical degrees. Additionally, he is the coordinator of AASCU’s Emerging Leaders Program, a professional development program for mid-career faculty and staff.