Tanjula Petty
Assistant Provost for Student Success and Special Initiatives
Alabama State University

Tanjula Petty is an experienced administrator who leads policy development and inspires change through collaborative leadership and data-driven decision-making. She has an Ed.D. in educational leadership, policy, and law from Alabama State University and an M.S. in public administration and a B.S. in resource management, both from Troy University (Ala.). Petty is considered a scholar-practitioner and possesses a wealth of experience in accreditation, academic affairs, student services, diversity, enrollment management, institutional effectiveness and research, fiscal accountability, facilities planning, public relations, strategic planning, and workforce development/career and technical education. She has presented nationally on assessment, disadvantaged and first-generation students, retention, campus collaboration, and improving campus cultures. She authored the book chapters, “A Challenge to Higher Education Leaders in the Wake of a Social Injustice Crisis” and “Leading in the Midst of a Crisis,” for Magna Publications and is published in the College Student Journal and the National Teacher Education Journal. She is on the advisory board of Leadership in Higher Education and an evaluator for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.