Advising Success Resources

Designed to support institutional change and improved student outcomes through a holistic approach to advising, these resources address the operational, programmatic and technological and resource needs of colleges and universities in direct support of a more equitable student experience.

Learn more.
ASN Briefs

Create a strategic plan for advising that aligns to your institution’s strategic plan and process.

Today’s higher education leaders face crucial decisions about how to craft the college experience to both focus on the connection between college and careers and to create a more equitable and just experience for every student.

These are action-oriented strategies, adaptable resources, and tools that will advance advising redesign, employ data utilization strategies, and encourage the use of equity-based principles to yield tangible improvements in student success outcomes.

leadership briefs


Questions about holistic advising redesign? Let us know.

AASCU offers virtual or on-campus workshops and support for holistic advising redesign, including process and student journey mapping and leading change.

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