James T. Minor

James T. Minor became the 10th chancellor in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s history on March 1, 2022. Minor…

Michael Mills

Dr. Michael Thomas Mills has been a presidential spouse for seven years and is married to Denise Battles, President of t…

Mike Matson

Michael Dean Matson is the Life Safety Code Program Manager for the Health and Human Services – Texas, Long-Term C…

Rebecca Martin

Rebecca Martin is the executive director of the National Association of System Heads, an association of chief executives…

Jay Lemons

L. Jay Lemons became president of Academic Search in 2017, after serving for 25 years as a college president in both pub…

Paul J. LeBlanc

Paul J. LeBlanc is president of Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) and author of Students First: Equity, Access, a…

James Kvaal

U.S. Department of Education Undersecretary James Kvaal formerly served as the president of the Institute for College Ac…

Jolene Koester

Jolene Koester is the California State University’s interim chancellor. Most recently, Koester served as president of th…

Tressa Kelly

Tressa Kelly is the University of West Georgia’s first lady and a champion of finding one’s truth. She is a proponent of…

Antonia Hernández

Antonia Hernández has served as president and CEO of the California Community Foundation since 2004. Nationally regarded…