AASCU Washington Policy Update – December 2025
Hear about notable activities on Capitol Hill.
Preliminary schedule subject to change.
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Preliminary schedule subject to change.
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Hear about notable activities on Capitol Hill.
Hear about notable activities on Capitol Hill.
Hear about notable activities on Capitol Hill.
Hear about notable activities on Capitol Hill.
Gather for community and collaboration in the face of higher education challenges.
Regional public university colleagues learn from each other’s challenges and successes.
Hear about notable activities on Capitol Hill.
AASCU invites submissions to present at the American Democracy Project Summit, happening July 13-14, 2025 in Indianapolis, IN. We seek a diversity of perspectives and experiences, and we especially encourage presentations that include students and feature teams.
Democracy can be frustrating, slow, and contentious. Often, the civic engagement work done on a campus can feel isolated and be un- or under-appreciated. This meeting will change that narrative by showcasing that, through AASCU’s American Democracy Project, there are resources and a community that exists to help build and grow civic engagement within higher education.
Meeting details.Topical Sessions (45-minute sessions): Presentations, which could be led by an individual or a group, designed to share best practices and/or facilitate conversations about the practical application of civic and community engagement projects. If accepted, you may be paired with another concurrent session to share the 45-minute time block.
Ignite Talks (5-minute sessions): Designed for individuals to share compelling, innovative practices on a large stage, ignite talks use 20 slides that automatically advance every 15 seconds and requires speakers to be concise, prepared, and dynamic.
Poster Sessions: Textual and graphical presentations of civic engagement projects or research.
We recognize how interconnected the field of civic engagement is. This topic selection allows us to maintain a diverse portfolio of options.
What are the key features of the thriving democracy we hope to enact and support through our work?
What knowledge, skills, and dispositions contribute to a thriving democracy, and how do we embed this in our work?
How can we build the institutional culture, infrastructure, and relationships needed to support learning that enables a thriving democracy?
Note that you will need to complete this form in one sitting, and we recommend that you prepare your materials in a word document and then copy/paste into the form.
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