The Future of Student Success
Consider how today’s trends, issues, & events will impact future student success.
Consider how today’s trends, issues, & events will impact future student success.
Hear about notable activities on Capitol Hill.
An interactive workshop to explore and apply a research-based toolkit for change leadership in higher ed.
Get the latest news on funding programs and priorities across federal and private organizations.
“Education is all a matter of building bridges.” –Ralph Ellison
Submit proposals by Mar. 15We invite proposals from members to share about projects and initiatives on their campuses and in their communities that have had the impact of ‘building bridges.’ We seek a diversity of perspectives and experiences, and we especially encourage presentations that include teams from academic affairs and student affairs. Meeting details.
We are accepting proposals for 25 minute promising practice sessions and 50 minute concurrent sessions. Submit your proposal using the form below by March 15. Note that you will need to complete this form in one sitting, and we recommend that you prepare your materials in a word document and then copy/paste into the form.
We invite proposals from members to share about projects and initiatives on their campuses and in their communities that have had the impact of ‘building bridges.’
Note that you will need to complete this form in one sitting, and we recommend that you prepare your materials in a word document and then copy/paste into the form.
"*" indicates required fields
Hear about notable activities on Capitol Hill.
Build campus-community ties and integrate voter education in your classroom.
Explore ways to cope with political polarization and enhance well-being on campus.
Meet with colleagues to share and learn from each other’s challenges and successes.
Plan for voter engagement and support information literacy and free speech on campus.