Civic & Global Engagement
State colleges and universities prepare students to shape the future. Regional public universities serve the nation’s most diverse student populations. We help these institutions prepare all students to participate in our globalizing world with courage, confidence, and responsibility.
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We help our members fulfill their commitment to develop globally engaged citizens.
AASCU programs support regional public universities as they help their graduates navigate political, social, and cultural implications in their careers and civic engagements.
American Democracy Project
Join nearly 300 institutions committed to developing civically engaged students.
Learn more.Global Initiatives
Build partnerships to thrive in our increasingly interconnected world.
Learn more.All students deserve a quality civic and global education.
Our civic and global engagement programs support first-generation college students, students of color, and students from low-income families as they fulfill their purpose and enrich their communities – in and beyond higher education.
Sino-U.S. CHEPD 1+2+1 Program
students from 182 institutions (144 Chinese, 38 U.S.) have participated in the Sino-U.S. CHEPD 1+2+1 Program, which carries $400 million in total economic impact.
Practicing Democracy workshop series
people from 71 AASCU campuses attended a session in our Practicing Democracy workshop series, which provided networking, knowledge sharing, and capacity building for voter education and engagement efforts on college campuses.
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Explore other ways we help regional public universities develop global citizens.
Committee on International Education
Talented leaders helping AASCU institutions’ faculty, campus teams, and students thrive in a world where people, cultures, economies, and ecosystems are more interconnected than ever.
Meet the committee.Awards and Recognition
Awards honoring institutions that demonstrate their strategic commitment to prioritizing, institutionalizing, and advancing student civic learning and community engagement.
Apply for our Excellence and Innovation awards.Global Partners
Collaborative engagements providing opportunities for internationalization, student mobility, and academic partnerships.
Get to know our global partners.Let’s talk about how we can help your institution empower students to become agents of change.
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